Physical Therapy Virginia Beach
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At Balanced Growth Therapy and Consulting we are more than the average therapy practice,
we offer evidence based treatment as well as performance enhancement through the cognitive
domain. Wellness is no longer defined solely by physical strength and health. Mental
performance seeks to increase mental wellness and enhance performance driven individuals to
their highest potential.
Overall mental health represents a comprehensive and complex set of
needs ranging from problems with functional wellbeing all the way up to increased performance
capability. Through research, education, and using the best methods currently available, our
mental performance specialists can help you reach the next level in your desired field. Whether
you’re an athlete, artist, business executive, or work in the tactical field our services will push
you to grow, change, meet and exceed your goals.
If you are interested in working with a Balanced Growth
specialist or learning more about mental health treatment or mental performance please
reach out to them directly at (757) 632-3819 or at:
Our Team.
Adding Mental Performance to your Athletic Package
Getting stuck in one area is common for high performers, through intense physical training they
are often able to push through and move into the next level of performance. The same is true
when stuck in a mental rut. Mental performance helps you assess what is happening within
your head to keep you stuck and gives you skills, tactics and techniques to move forward.
Performance work requires more than physical strength, it requires the ability to overcome
negative outcomes, problem solve quickly, refocus when the plan changes and continue to
perform even when the desired outcome seems too far away or unachievable. Pain and injuries
also create setbacks in training that may seem impossible to overcome, mental health treatment
and performance work can help you bounce back via cognitive enhancement when your body is
still working back to its potential. If you’re unsure if mental health and performance work is for
you please reach out with questions and schedule an initial consult.