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I have been a patient of Jake's after suffering a traumatic injury to my right arm.  I was kicked by a horse which broke my humerus, causing deep tissue trauma and swelling. While under the care of a former orthopedic surgeon who determined surgery was not necessary, my arm was placed in a stabilizer cast for nine weeks.  As a result of this, my shoulder had frozen and the mobility of my right elbow and wrist were severely compromised. Being right handed, everything from caring for my physical needs on a daily basis to functioning in my workplace became an extremely depressing and painful challenge. Under the care of my current orthopedic surgeon, I began PT working with Jake. My first session with Jake and dry needle therapy yielded my ability to feel my shoulder drop into its normal position for the first time in three months. Four sessions later, I was able to brush my teeth and hair with my right arm and had since the accident, dress myself without pain, and regain the quality of life as I had known before its injury.  This I owe to Jake McCrowell.  His knowledge and support can only be measured equal to his care and concern for me as I have regained the use of my right arm.  
As a side note, my orthopedic surgeon is amazed at how I progressed. Jake's expertise, professionalism, and dedication to his patients are evident in my recovery.  Each time I find myself doing something that I could not do before, I am once again reminded of the gratitude I feel towards Jake for giving me my life back.  I will highly recommend Jake and his co-workers to others who may find themselves in need of such services.              -Mrs. Hobbs
I went to the ER in a tremendous amount of pain after over-using my shoulder at the gym. After some pain killers, I was sent home without any kind of recovery plan, so I called Jake to make an appointment. I could barely move my left arm without cringing. Jake squeezed me into his schedule immediately! I was so impressed.  Jake was so thorough and professional in his examination - asking questions and testing my mobility. He then dry needled a few spots in my shoulder and a lot of the pain and tension instantly improved. After the dry needling, Jake gave me several exercises to do in his office and on my own at home. I was on the road to recovery! Jake was my shoulder miracle worker. He was even kind enough to check in with me every day after my visit and scheduled me for a follow up one week later. Within no time I was back in the gym doing CrossFit and still do the exercises Jake taught me to improve my shoulder mobility. I have and will continue to recommend Jake to everyone I know that has any kind of injury or muscle pain or weakness!               -Jennifer W.
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You completely fixed my olympic snatch! I was so stable today, it felt comfortable for the first time in 3 years!!!             -Tara

My shoulder completely locked up to the point that I could not move it even a centimeter. I had surgery on it about 10 years ago and have not had full rotation with it since, and occasional pain; so I was not surprised by this. But when the pain got so bad, I was in tears, I knew I needed to do something. Jake got me in immediately and actually cured all my shoulder issues from the past 10 years post surgery.  WOW, this seriously changed my life.  I now have FULL rotation in my shoulder with ZERO pain at all since our treatments together. I have been pain free for almost a year and am thrilled that I do not have to have the fear of picking up any of my kids and hurting it again!  I have had a lot of surgeries and physical therapy due to sports and Jake is by far the BEST of the best when it comes to skill, knowledge, technique, and personality with a physical therapist.            -Jennalee D

I have always been involved in competitive sports and fitness.  With this comes the inherent risk of injury.  I have received aid from physical therapists many times in my life, but never with the results that I received from Direct Performance.  My therapist there set a whole new standard when it comes to physical therapy and rehab for sports injuries.  I have had shoulder injuries in the past and each time they were debilitating.  It would normally take months before I started to feel the benefits of the strength and recovery exercises other therapists had me perform.  When I met with my therapist for the first time I could immediately tell he had a passion for his work and I would receive the best care that could be provided.  He was very meticulous as he looked over my shoulder; most P.T.’s that I have dealt with in the past have a very standardized way of approaching injuries.  Normally there is a pre made sheet with a list of exercises to follow and the P.T. becomes more like a life coach, encouraging you to, “push on.” This was not the case at all with Direct Performance.  He developed a very customized plan for my shoulder and had me performing very unique exercises that would help my specific case.  To my pleasant surprise not only did I begin to receive benefits immediately, I was still able to carry on my training and compete in my tournament.  I view Jake McCrowel as a direct reflection of the rest of his P.T. team at Direct Performance.  That being said I would highly recommend anyone looking to get real results and get their life back to their standard should visit Jake McCrowell.         -Tom G. 

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Our Locations:


Great Neck Office:

2247 W. Great Neck Rd.

Suite 101

Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Town Center/ Inside Latitude

Climbing & Fitness Office:

4554 Virginia Beach Blvd. Suite 970

Virginia Beach, VA 23462


1577 General Booth Blvd #101B

Virginia Beach, VA 23454

Norfolk/ Inside Norfolk Latitude Climbing Office:

1830 Lindsay Ave.

Norfolk, VA 23504

Kempsville & Greenbrier / 

Inside Iron Asylum Office:

1832 Kempsville Rd

Virginia Beach, VA 23464

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